Faith Beyond Walls
Centenary UMC
A Digital Congregation
You are welcome here.
We are a congregation who believes in the one God who is Creator of us all, made in God's image to love, share life and work together; the Mystery of salvation offered through Jesus Christ who was born, died and resurrected, our Redeemer; and in the Holy Spirit who has been given us Sustainer through the power of God in our daily lives. We are a small, informal congregation with a big heart to love God, serve our neighbor and make a difference. Our weekly worship experiences are created to invite participation through singing, viewing art, listening to music, sharing prayer concerns and thanksgivings that foster an open and willing spirit to hear and respond to the message received, individually and corporately. All are welcome here.

Sunday School
Sunday 9am EST
Sundays at 10:30am EST
Praying Together
Wednesday 7pm EST

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.
-John Wesley
Through joys and concerns, through trials and tribulations, Centenary UMC and my church family have always been like Jesus, my rock and my salvation.
From the first day attending through today, we have always felt welcome!
Having moved away from New Albany and my childhood church of four generations, many years ago, I always missed being part of Centenary. However, because of the robust Zoom program we have, I have been able to rejoin the Church and reconnect with old friends and new members, in a warm and inviting community. Being part of this Church family, it has changed my life and I'm better because of it.
I am a lifetime member of Centenary UMC, third generation of a five generation legacy. From cradle roll to present, I have served as youth leader, Sunday School teacher, choir member, involved in feeding programs to many in need. I love my church family.